Nauseda sworn in for 2nd term as Lithuanian president

  • 2024-07-12
  • BNS/TBT Staff

VILNIUS – Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda started serving his second five-year term in office after he was sworn in at the parliament on Friday.

In the solemn sitting, the president put his hand on the Constitution and swore "to be faithful to the Republic of Lithuania and the Constitution, to conscientiously fulfil the duties of his office, and to be equally just to all".

Nauseda also uttered, "So help me God!", although, in respect of the rights of non-believers, those taking the oath have the right to omit this line.

Vowing to continue efforts to build a welfare state and combat social exclusion, the 60-year-old economist was re-elected president in May after defeating Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte in the run-off.