New culture minister ready to review current ministry's budget

  • 2024-06-22
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - The new Culture Minister Agnese Lace (Progressives) is ready to review the current budget of the Culture Ministry.

In an interview with the Latvian Radio, Lace, answering a question about the possibility of additional funding for the sector, given that security is one of the biggest priorities, explained that culture and the work done by the sector's employees is also important for security, resilience and cohesion of society.

At the same time, Lace is also ready to review the current budget of the ministry in order to "understand how to move forward with the priorities of the sector".

She also stressed that she has enough experience to fulfil her duties as the culture minister.

"During these nine months I have been working directly with the culture sector," said Lace, noting that the time has been sufficient to get to know the specifics of the sector. Working for Providus has also contributed to her experience.

As reported, the Saeima on Thursday appointed former Culture Ministry's parliamentary secretary Agnese Lace (Progressives) as the Culture Minister.

Lace was proposed for the position by the Progressives after Agnese Logina (Progressives) decided to step down, citing personal reasons. Prime Minister Evika Silina (New Unity) decided to nominate Lace for the vote at the Saeima.

According to information available on the internet, Lace is a former senior researcher on migration and integration at the public policy center Providus.

She holds a Master's degree in Political Science from the University of Latvia and a European Master's degree in Sociology with specialization in International Migration and Community Cohesion from the Universities of Amsterdam, Deusto and Osnabruck.

According to information from LETA Archive, Logina took office as culture minister on September 15, 2023. Shortly afterwards, Lace joined her team, becoming the ministry's parliamentary secretary.