EUR 12.1 mln made available to projects in inclusive education in Estonia

  • 2024-01-15
  • BNS/TBT Staff

TALLINN - Estonia's State Shared Service Center and the Ministry of Education and Research on Monday opened a call for applications for educational institutions to promote inclusive education, in which 12.1 million euros has been made available with co-financing from the European Union Cohesion Fund. 

"The call for proposals will support investments in the learning environment to facilitate the promotion of inclusive education in education and youth work," Jurgen Rakaselg, head of inclusive education at the Ministry of Education and Research, said in a press release.

Deemed as implementation of the principles of inclusive education are all activities aimed at supporting the participation of children and young people in regular learning and youth work and increasing participation in it by adapting the learning environment. General education schools, vocational schools, youth work institutions and hobby schools are welcome to apply for the grants, which will be disbursed to their local government unit.

Urve Vool, head of the service for education and research at the State Shared Service Center, said that local government units, state agencies and managers of private schools can join the projects as partners.

"The grants can be used, for example, for the teaching of pupils with special educational needs and the provision of support services, or for the purchase of teaching or learning aids or materials, furnishings or equipment, or for building works. They can also be used to purchase learning and support equipment needed to provide youth work services," Vool said.

The grants can be applied for on an ongoing basis until Dec. 31. Applications will be accepted until the budget for the action is exhausted. The subsidy rate is 85 percent and the applicant's self-financing rate is 15 percent.

The period of eligibility of projects runs until the date specified in the decision granting the application, but no later than Aug. 31, 2027. 

The grant is co-financed by EU funds. The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for achieving the objectives set out in the measure as the 1st level intermediate body. The call for proposals is organized and the projects are implemented by the State Shared Service Center as the 2nd level intermediate body.