One can get goose bumps just at hearing the "S" of her name. The whimsical vocalist will be floating her way into Vilnius' Sportima Palace on Sept. 11, Riga's Skonto Hall on Sept. 13 and Tallinn's Saku Hall on Sept. 19.
Now that the diva has descended from her lofty perch on La Luna, she's ready to come face to face with the common people 's but not too close. After all, as her new Arabic titled album "Harem" suggests, the exotic woman is still forbidden. "Harem" is said to be a fusion of percussion, dance grooves, pop and Sarah's signature voice and the performance will include 45 musicians, dancers and vocalists. In truth, Brightman is here by default, as her Sept. 13 concert in Kiev was canceled due to logistical and border problems. But no doubt she'll be warmly welcome and her concerts will sell out. And no doubt we'll see her again in a couple of year's time with a new world tour called "L'Ozone."