Viru fishery makes a rebound

  • 2005-01-19
  • Baltic News Service, KOHTLA-JARVE
Viru Kalatoostus (Viru Fishery) has announced that it has increased staff for the first time in years thanks to a spurt in demand for its canned fish products.
The Pohjarannik daily reported that the fishery hired 30 people 's fish processors and mechanics 's for its Voka facility.

"We will have two full shifts, with no chair empty at the line," CEO Ago Laanements was quoted as saying. "I actually no longer remember when the number of our staff increased. The figure has been gradually dropping over the past three years. So that the present extension is a good sign."

With the exception of Russia, where not a single can has been sent since last summer, demand for Viru Fishery products has risen in other countries. Laanemets said there was no particular reason for the spike in demand.

"If we did not sell anything to Ukraine since the free trade accord ended, then sales again resumed as of September, and we are now back to the previous level," he said.

Viru Fishery was hit with an unexpected blow last September when Russian veterinary authorities did not include it on a list of EU food producers that can export to Russia, which previously accounted for 10 percent of the fishery's sales. At the time Laanemets said that the decision came as a surprise and that no official explanation was given.

Presently there is still no information on when the fishery may receive permission to export to the Eastern market. As a result, the first nine month sales in 2004 fell 30 percent to 37.8 million kroons (2.4 million euros), while losses amounted to 1.8 million kroons.