TBT recommends - 2005-04-20

  • 2005-04-20

Swedish jazz

Sun 24 's 16:00 's Although Scandinavia is not particularly known for its jazz, this weekend's concert by Swedish soprano Annika Skoglund and the Estonian Dream Big Band just might change that. The concert will also feature respected Swedish conductor Orjan Fahlstrom. Venue: Sakala Center (Ravala Pst 12, Tallinn). For more info: 6466430


Fantasy film festival

Fri 29 's Thu 5 's The second international Fantasy Film Festival will be lighting up Kino Suns theater. The cinematic fantasy genre is wide ranged, from fairy tales to science fiction, horror, and thrillers. This time the center of attention will focus on science fiction films from Europe and Asia. The full-length movies will take part in the Golden Tooth award competition. For more info: 7221620


National pop

Sun 1 's 18:00 's Edmundas Kucinskas, one of the most popular pop singers in Lithuania, will be playing in concert at Forum Palace (Konstitucijos Ave. 26, Vilnius). His unique voice will be harmonized with the vocals of renowned artist Inga Valinskiene. The duo's performance will be a sure-fire success, with both Lithuanians and foreigners alike. Tickets start at 15 litas (4 euros).