Experts to make new request regarding Uspaskich's diploma

  • 2005-08-02
VILNIUS 's The Study Quality Evaluation Center turned to the Lithuanian Embassy in Moscow to find out more from Russia's Education and Science Ministry about former Economy Minister Viktor Uspaskich's studies at an academy in Moscow.

Eugenijus Stumbrys, director of SQEC, said the measures were necessary after a letter addressed to the embassy by the Plekhanov Academy, which leader of the Labor Party Viktor Uspaskich claims to have finished. The letter failed to answer the questions regarding the politician's studies and diploma, Stumbrys said.

"Apparently, the university 'did not understand' the Embassy's inquiry," he said.

He said he had no great hope for Russia's Education and Science Ministry providing the required information.

"We are not expecting something big, but we have to try to use every possibility at our disposal. I doubt it that the academy dared to disregard our questions at its own initiative. Usually such things do not happen just like that," Stumbrys said.