Fri 16 's Sun 18 's Introduce yourself to Estonia's fall harvesting traditions in a pleasant old-fashioned atmosphere. During the festivity's closing market on Sept. 18., Estonian food products and handicrafts will be sold. For the first time, companies offering year-round nature, adventure and eco-tourism will introduce their services. The two 's day event will be held at the Rocca al Mare Open air Museum
More info: 6549100
Wed 28 's 20:00 's The modern jazz band De 's Phazz (Germany), mid-way through their European tour, will present their latest album "Natural Fake" in Riga's Dream Factory (Lacplesa St. 101). Come enjoy De-Phazz's most unusual album, featuring electronic music mixed with different styles such as reggae, jazz and drum'n'base.
More info:
Thu 22 's 19:00 's Well 's known Bushido fighters from Lithuania, such as Ramunas Komas, Tadas Rimkevicius, Sergejus Razvadovskis will join athletes from Russia and Poland during the International Bushido Competition. Some of the most formidable fighters in Eastern Europe, these men will compete for the champion title.
The event will be held at Forum Palace (Konstitusijos Avenue 26)
Tickets: 20-60 litas (6-18 euros)