Aeon Flux
Date Movie
Big Momma's House 2
Aeon Flux
"Aeon Flux" is a futuristic sci-fi/action movie based on MTV's cult cartoon series from the mid-90's. The movie wants to be an action movie with a brain, but the narrative is more forced than clever. "Aeon Flux" is not devoid of inspired ideas, but it doesn't reach its potential. And, considering that this is an action movie, the badly shot and edited action sequences are disappointing. The art department has interesting ideas concerning what a far future might have in store for us, but that isn't enough to salvage this baby. As with "Catwoman" and "Tomb Raider," "Aeon Flux" proves that no one knows what to do with an action heroine anymore. Where is Ellen Ripley when you really need her?

( Julie Vinten )
Most people think being a film reviewer is a pleasant little sideline. And so it is when you get to see a great film or a decently entertaining film 's even bad films can be enjoyable in their way. But when you have to watch films like the three being reviewed this week it's torture. "Aeon Flux" is a futuristic thriller much like nearly every other futuristic thriller, which gives you a horrible sense of foreboding about future futuristic thrillers. Aeon Flux (Charlize Theron) is the formidable kick-ass assassin who single-handedly exposes the terrible futuristic truth behind a small but seemingly ideal society of people who survived a deadly virus. I almost wish the future would hurry up and arrive just so Hollywood would stop making films about it.

( Tim Ochser )
Date Movie
"Date Movie" is a spoof comedy in the same mode as "Scary Movie," only a great deal worse. The movie doesn't so much parody a wide range of well-known comedies as it simply restages memorable scenes and jokes. All "Date Movie" does is remind us how much more compelling and funny its targets were than it can possibly be. The entire humor of "Date Movie" is constricted to gross eating habits, bad body hygiene, flatulence, hairy warts and - the latest revelation in Hollywood comedy - the fat suit. It's difficult to believe your own eyes seeing the things they come up with here. The movie is just too dumb to be offensive. Alyson Hannigan, the sweet actress who made a name for herself in the "American Pie" trilogy, deserves much better than this.
1/2 ( Julie Vinten )
Where "Scary Movie" parodied well-known horror films, "Date Movie" parodies a selection of well-known romantic comedies, from "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" to "The Wedding Planner" to "Meet the Parents." The result is one of the most appalling films I have seen in a long time. I staggered out of the cinema feeling like I'd been bludgeoned out of my senses. "Date Movie" even manages to make the crap films that it sets out to spoof seem positively brilliant in comparison. That's how crap it is. To be honest, I did chuckle at one or two scenes, but it was more the sort of nervous laughter that comes over you when you find yourself staring into the abyss. "Date Movie" will probably spawn as many sequels as its scary cousin. Hopefully I'll be retired by then.

( Tim Ochser )
Big Momma's House 2
After sitting through and tolerating "Date Movie," "Big Momma's House 2" feels like a remarkable achievement. No, of course it's not any good, but even though the movie is entirely dim-witted and not the least bit funny, I must admit that I found it more boring and uninspired than aggravating and unbearable. That's something at least, but it doesn't mean that I don't dread the thought of the more or less obligatory "Big Momma's House 3." FBI agent Malcolm Turner (Martin Lawrence) dresses up in a female fat suit (these things are everywhere), and goes undercover as a nanny in order to solve a high-profile case. The movie, essentially, all comes down to one thing: do you love or don't you love Martin Lawrence.

1/2( Julie Vinten )
The undercover cop-in-absurd-disguise has a lamentably long history in Hollywood film, from "Kindergarten Cop" to "White Chicks" to "The Pacifier." "Big Momma's House 2" is right at home among this distinguished company. Martin Lawrence reprises his role as Big Momma 's she's fat, crass and feisty. Many young American boys go through a stage of "yo mamma" jokes. It's a necessary period of adolescent development. Thankfully, most of them quickly grow out of it. Here's an example for those not familiar with this school of comedy: "Yo mamma's so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits arrround the house." If this joke amused you, go see "Big Momma's House 2." If not, don't. Personally speaking, my mother is quite petite so it was all way over my head.