Russian prosecutors have started a pre-trail investigation into the possible murder of Lithuanian businessman Stanislovas Jucius, the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry reported on Apr. 23. Jucius, who is the founder and president of the Lithuanian Business People's Club in Russia's Kaliningrad region has been missing since April 17. Kaliningrad media speculated that Jucius, who is also the CEO of the Lithuanian construction company Roslitstroj, may have been kidnapped. Jucius disappeared on the way from his home to a business meeting in southern Kaliningrad.
The Lithuanian-led NATO Provincial Reconstruction Team in the Afghan province of Ghor has trained some sixty Afghan police officers, the mission's spokesperson reported. The policemen will be deployed in a southern district of Ghor province. Bordering an area where Taliban fighters are concentrated, it is considered one of the province's most dangerous zones. The course was attended by six future police instructors, who will be organizing and conducting similar training courses in the future.
The Lithuanian council of evaluation of science and educational institutions rejected the Polish Bialystok University's application to establish a branch in Vilnius. Almantas Serpatauskas, Head of the Higher Education Assessment Department of the Lithuanian Center of Quality Assessment in Higher Education said that the decision was negative because Bialystok University does not have suitable facilities, BNS reported. Currently there are no branches of foreign universities in Lithuania.