This amendment was proposed as part of a campaign to have Soviet genocide crimesincorporated into the European Union legal regulation, said theparliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs.
"This is a deplorable step the Seimas [Lithuanian parliament] has taken, and one that underminesthe foundations of Lithuania's foreign policy, the dignity of thoseaggrieved by the Nazi and Soviet occupations, one that weakens Lithuania'sstance in aiming for EU's equitable assessment of Nazi and Soviet crimes",international law expert Dainius Zalimas told BNS.
"He, who publicly consented, in writing or verbally, to the aggressioncarried out by the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany against Lithuania,justified, belittled or denied it, would be punishable by fine, arrest orimprisonment for up to two years," said the failed amendment, proposed by Conservative MP Vilija Aleknaite-Abramikiene. 2025 © The Baltic Times /Cookies Policy Privacy Policy