HEAD OVER HEELS: The two main characters find each other, and find themselves, while in a small hotel in North Carolina.
Directed by George C. Wolfe
"Nights in Rodanthe" is an amazing romantic drama. Based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks, this is already the fifth film of this bestselling writer, and a prefect movie for a cozy fall-winter evening.
Sparks is well-known for his beautiful stories that take place with the astonishing background of the North Carolina views. The formula for a good movie is completed by the duet of Diane Lane and Richard Gere 's proven to be a very successful team from their previous works.
This is a story about two people who have gone through half of their lives already but haven't been able to find themselves yet. Both went through marriages and divorces, and both have grown up children who seem to both hate and refuse to understand their parents.
Adrienne, flawlessly played by Diane Lane, is trying to cope with betrayal by her ex-husband and the recent death of her father. Out of the blue, her ex decided to come back and is now playing on the emotions of their teenage daughter, whose relations with her mother are already not in the best state.
Doctor Paul Flanner (Richard Gere) has been divorced for a long time and hasn't seen his only son for a few years. During one of his operations, Paul's patient tragically died and his son cut off all the connections with his father and volunteered in a hospital in Ecuador.
These two desperately lonely and lost adults happen to spend a few days under one roof in a small hotel on the edge of the ocean in Rodanthe. Adrienne comes to look after her friend's family hotel for a weekend, while Paul hopes to meet the family of the dead patient, before he goes to win his son back.
Adrienne hopes to think in quiet whether to take back a man who left her or to face the accusation of betrayal and selfishness from her daughter. Paul hopes to meet the family of the dead patient, before he goes to win his son back.
None of them expects these few days spent together to change their lives forever. However, an unexpected storm seems to wash away the bile and emptiness of their souls and helps them to find true happiness and love.
Adrienne finally understands what she expects from this life and remembers that she used to be a talented artist. She realizes what love means and what kind of man deserves it.
Doctor Flanner learns to feel compassionate. He learns to understand other peoples' emotions and cope with them, to take the interest in other people and not only in his job.
This beautiful story nevertheless has an astonishing background. The ocean itself plays a major part in the film 's at some moments it is blustery and stern but afterward it is peaceful and caring 's it changes just as life does, with its ups and downs.
This reminds viewers that after every storm there is a rainbow. But it is the also other way around. For the heroes, just when they thought they have found their happiness and the rainbow will be above them, life takes a tragic turn.
The little wooden hotel where the action takes place looks like a fairytale house. Even more strengthening is the fairytale story of two people, who almost believed that it would come true.
The movie very realistically shows the time of life when middle-aged people are unsure about what to do next, but are trying to find their place under the sun and be happy just like everyone else. It also shows teenager-parent relations, which can be very difficult but still caring and full of love.
It is an incredible movie that will make you both smile and wipe the tears away, and will definitely give you some food for thought long after the credits roll.
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