TALLINN - The Estonian CooperationAssembly, a network of nongovernmental organizations, has called forsolutions rather than culprits of the economic crisis.
Notlooking for culprits does not mean the mistakes made should not beanalyzed, the chairman of the trade union federation EAKL HarriTaliga and the head of the Estonian Employers Confederation EnnVeskimagi said at the presentation of the declaration.
Theassembly calls to back steps that are needed to secure the adoptionof the euro and to bring public and self-government expenditures intoline with the actual economic situation and developments.
Thesignatories say the public sector has to be made more effective andthat the time is ripe for administrative reform and reduction of thenumber of public servants and self-government officials.
Thedeclaration urges to strive for sensible cost-saving in all areas andmake full and result-bringing use of European Union support.
TheNGOs also asked for more attention to be payed on joint voluntaryaction and give support to civic initiatives to increase solidarityin the society.
TheCooperation Assembly will submit the declaration adopted today fordiscussion at a forum in Tallinn next month that will focus onfinding common ground to overcome the present economic and confidencecrisis and examine NGOs' role and opportunities.
Theassembly adopted in February 2008 a program document, Charter 2008,which focuses on four key areas in the country's development --people and health, education, the workforce and relations betweenethnic groups -- and will be renewed every three years. On this basisof this document the assembly will set out specific proposals toinstitutions responsible for Estonia's development.
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