Usackas emphasized the importance of the fact that the internationalcommunity had to dedicate a lot of attention to the problems of Georgia.
"When the missions of the United Nations and the Organization for Securityand Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) were unfortunately disrupted in Georgia, therole of the EU increased significantly," said Usackas.
According to Minister V.UÅ¡ackas, the decision of the EU's General Affairsand External Relations Council to extend the mission in Georgia foranother twelve months is very important. In Minister's words, it is necessaryto aim at having the mission allowed in South Ossetiaand Abkhazia.
The Minister suggested discussing the issue of joining the EU MonitoringMission in Georgia by thethird countries 's the U.S.A.and others - in the nearest future and an extension of the mission mandate,including the spheres that were covered by the UN and the OSCE before.
Minister Usackas encouraged continuing to strengthenthe EU-Georgia relations, and to conclude the negotiations regarding the visaregime facilitation and readmission agreements as soon as possible, as well asto provide a mandate for the negotiations on free trade and an associationagreement. 2025 © The Baltic Times /Cookies Policy Privacy Policy