Baltic presidents mourn Polish loss

  • 2010-04-12
  • Oskars Magone

The Lithuanian President attended a mass in honor of the Polish President, who died in a plane crash in Western Russia. (Photo:


WARSAW -- The three presidents of the Baltic states have sent their condolences to the Polish people following a tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of the president and numerous high-ranking officials. 

"Have no words to describe my sorrow at receiving news of the tragic plane crash this morning near Smolensk in Russia, carrying president Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria and a large high-ranking official delegation," said Estonian President Toomas Hendrick Ilves. 

A plane carrying Polish President Lech Kacztnski and several high-ranking staff -- including leading members of the armed forces, the head of the olympic committee and other top officials. A total of 96 people were killed in the crash, which took place in Western Russia.

Latvian President Valdis Zatlers echoed Ilves' sentiments, saying the now-deceased Polish president had been on good terms with the Baltic states. 

"My Polish colleague, Lech Kaczynski and his wife, Maria, were true friends of Latvia,” the President wrote. “It is in the name of this friendship that the people of Latvia are bowing their heads in sorrow alongside the Polish people at this time of so unexpected a tragedy which meant the loss of life of their relatives and the highest-ranking officials of Poland.”

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite also sent her condolences. 

"In the face of this terrible and tragic plane accident, I extend my sincere condolences to President Kaczyński's mother Jadwiga, brother Jaroslaw and daughter Marta, and to all the people of Poland. The death of the Polish President and those who were flying with him is a huge loss not only to Poland, but also to the whole of Europe," she said.