The herpes virus can cause such diseases as herpes simple or zoster, chicken pox. The name herpes has been thought up by doctors of Ancient Greece, it has occurred from a verb “herpain” that means “to creep,” it was fixed for the first time in the scientific literature by doctors of Ancient Rome approximately 1000 years B.C. Nowadays, herpes is the most widespread virus infection in the world. It is a big problem of modern society and medicine. Nine of ten inhabitants of the world are sick of simple herpes type, and every fifth has herpetic rash. Clinical displays of herpes is skin, oral cavity, nervous system and genitals. Herpes defeats mucous membranes because of it’s neurotropism and destructive actions to the central nervous system, that is why herpes can cause encephalitis, meningitis, ceratitis or conjunctivitis.
Herpes simplex virus can cause pathology of fetus to pregnant women during maturing, unfortunately also spontaneous and missed abortion. A new born child can have a generalized form of herpes. Researchers have found a relation between herpes virus and man or woman health. In women mostly it is uterus cancer, in men it is mostly prostate cancer.
Infection source of herpes virus are infected people both with illness displace or without it. People who never had the illness displaced can be infected. Tears, blood, urine, vaginal secretions, menstrual blood, amniotic fluid and sperm can contain herpes virus. Infection occurs in a contact way (through toys and other subjects, kisses as well), in an air-drop way, sexual way, vertical way (from mother to fetus). Most infectious are people with skin display, after 40 years 80% of people are infected with herpes virus.
The treatment of herpes virus should be done by an infectologist, dermatologist or gynecologist. Recurrent herpes on lips should be treated with creams containing antiretroviral means. Do not open vesiculas, don’t delete crusts in order not to extend virus to other sites of skin or eye and not to bring other infections into wounds. Infected patient should be observed strictly, not kiss, use individual ware and towel. At frequent relapses of disease a doctor may appoint interferons and means stimulating immunity.
It is recommended to avoid overcooling, overheating, casual sexual contact during the time of treatment. As a rule, patients are treated with such medicaments as acyclovir, waltrex and in certain cases with BUDS known as food additives. It is also possible to get vaccination, but it’s efficiency substantially depends on the condition of the immune system. Folksy method is to apply oil of a tea tree on the vesicular. If it is itchy it is necessary to put ice wrapped in a napkin to this place for 5 minutes 2-3 times each hour. Raspberry branches are a folk remedy for herpes, wash one branch, cut in length about 1 cm and carefully chew. You can also put fir oil or a tea bag on a vesicular before a dream. It is desirable to rub garlic for the night if rash vesiculas don’t contain liquid.
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