Zbignevs Stankevics says Bible teaching should not be forced on schools.
RIGA - The new Archbishop of Riga, Zbignevs Stankevics, does not support the introduction of mandatory Bible teaching in school, and is critical of the activities of the political alliance For a Good Latvia at the recent celebrations in Aglona, in eastern Latvia, according to the TV3 show Nothing Personal, reports news agency LETA. Stankevics also criticized Deacon of Aglona Cathedral Andrejs Aglonietis for purchasing a new car, a Mercedes SUV, for 100,000 euros.
According to Nothing Personal, a meeting took place a week before the Aglona celebrations between Cardinal Pujats, the previous archbishop, the leaders of the Lutheran, Orthodox and Baptist faiths in Latvia, and representatives of the For a Good Latvia political alliance - Ainars Slesers, Guntis Ulmanis and Helena Demakova. Agreement was reached that For a Good Latvia would support mandatory bible teaching in schools. In the heat of July, Slesers made a gift to the cardinal of a new air conditioning unit, a claim which was not denied by the Riga deputy mayor.
The alliance, led by Slesers and Skele, had wide opportunities for political agitation at the Aglona celebration, distributing water in large tents set up by the central gates and by the faithful queuing at the Altar of Mary. In his address to the faithful, Cardinal Pujats thanked For a Good Latvia both for the water and for financial support.
Aglona Deacon Andrejs Aglonietis denied that the church had received money from Slesers, but did not rule out the possibility that an anonymous donation could have been given.
Slesers and the alliance’s election ticket leaders for the Latgale region, Rita Strode and Vitalijs Aizbalts, took up a place of honor by the altar during the celebrations, and walked immediately behind Pujats during the ceremonial procession. As an explanation, the cardinal merely pointed at the alliance’s support for mandatory Bible teaching in schools.
Stankevics, the new archbishop, disapproves of the actions of his predecessor, indicating that he feels a sense of guilt before the faithful who were angered at seeing political campaigning on the church’s territory. If a party again wishes to distribute water on this feast day, they will not be allowed to make political advertising.
In contrast to Pujats, Stankevics does not believe that Bible teaching should be forced on schools. Those who do not wish this should be allowed their choice. However, the archbishop was also critical of schools who promoted atheistic ethical teachings in place of Bible study, indicating that he was ready to hold discussions with teachers’ and parents’ organizations on the matter.
The new Catholic archbishop indicated that one of his objectives was to introduce reforms in order to make priests a better example to their congregations. For example, he was critical of Aglonietis’ purchase of the Mercedes SUV. “Priests, of course, should consider the standard of living in our country. And they should live in a similar way to the members of the congregation around them,” believes Stankevics.
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