If you easily turn pale or blush, you often experience dizziness, excessive sweating, very fast or very slow heartbeat, difficulties with breathing, sleep disturbances, your extremities become cold and numb and you quickly get tired and feel “squeezed like a lemon” – then have no doubts: you have vegetovascular dystonia.
How to recognize it?
Vegetovascular dystonia has the features of different ailments. These are psychological, neurological, as well as cardiac and vascular disorders. In the beginning, vegetovascular dystonia shows itself in the form of psychological disorders: extreme fatigue, psychological vulnerability, anxiety and fear.
They are followed by disorders of the heart, blood vessels and the peripheral nervous system. The most common manifestations are disruptions of the heart function, cold hands and feet, excessive sweating, “jumps” in blood pressure, heaviness or pain in the head and temples, fainting. Sometimes one could have the so-called nerve redness: after a person was nervous, red spots appear on the face, neck and chest, usually it happens in women. Vegetovascular dystonia manifests itself externally not only on the skin, but also as a change in autonomic regulation of the eyes (pupils suddenly become bigger and then smaller), as well as the degree of dryness or humidity of the mucous membranes. For example, if a person is worried, his mouth becomes dry. Sometimes because of nervousness one can have fever.
What is the reason?
Usually, vegetovascular dystonia is not an independent disease but is a manifestation of internal diseases. Factors that predispose to the emergence of this disorder are individual personality and body traits, hormonal changes: transitional age, pregnancy, period of lactation. In addition to hormonal changes, it can be triggered by chronic stress, as well as serious illness, excessive exercise, severe emotional distress, alcohol abuse, infection.
How to prevent the disease
Here are the 5 pillars of well-being: a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, exercise, giving up bad habits and a normal sexual life. Vegetovascular dystonia is not a fatal disease, but its symptoms can cause a lot of trouble. In addition, serious chronic diseases can hide behind it. Modern fast and highly efficient diagnostics can help to distinguish one from another.
A gastroenterologist can help to get rid of chronic infections of the body. Even simple dysbacteriosis has a vital effect on the state of both the intestines and the entire body. Products of vital activity of intestinal bacteria are absorbed into the blood and poison the body. In medicine these products are called “ptomaine.”
Morning exercises. Not every body is able to expend energy early in the morning. We suggest postponing exercises to the afternoon or evening. You can pick up a non-burdensome set of exercises that gives a good mood and a certain strain on the muscles.
Learning some breathing exercises would be a great help. A set of simple exercises allows you not only to move, but also to satiate tissues with oxygen, and hypoxia is also one of the causes of vegetovascular dystonia.
How to Treat it?
Vegetovascular dystonia is probably the most often therapeutic diagnosis. It really beats all records: among all the visitors to the neurologist every third has signs of this disease. As we have already mentioned, vegetovascular dystonia is a syndrome, i.e. is a set of symptoms. Therefore, only a doctor can choose the right complex treatment. One of the most promising and effective methods is reflexology combined with manual therapy and massage. Such treatment is not only very efficient, but also pleasant. After each treatment, the person is regains strength, feels fresh and rested.
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