NANO SPECIALISTS: Juozas Martikaitis says his firm found a good niche in the military clothing market.
KLAIPEDA - Because of an exceptionally export-oriented orientation, Lithuanian textile companies have been relatively less ill-effected by the 2008 crisis and its aftermath. And with the economy bouncing back, the sector has been on a rampant path of recovery ever since. However, there comes along a serious impediment hampering growth – a severe shortage of tailors.
Openings for tailors
“With the cutbacks in production and exports, vast numbers of layoffs and a gloomy outlook, many skilled tailors have decamped to the West in search for a better life. Many struggled to nail down sewing jobs abroad because of the immense competition from the throngs of workers from other Eastern European countries and Asia. But those who succeeded in getting jobs have no plans of coming back,” says Virginija Martikaitiene, owner of a sewing enterprise in Siauliai. She added: “When it comes to making up one’s mind – to stay in the UK or return to Lithuania – the salary size kicks in. And, unfortunately, Lithuania can offer one-seventh the wage, even for a professional tailor.”
As a result, many textile companies, who are ready to ramp up their output, find a shortage of tailors.
“We keep submitting reports about available sewing jobs to the local Labor Exchange, but all in vain – there is no turnout from the advertisements whatsoever,” says Stanislovas Grusas, director of the Siauliai-based factory Neaustiniu medziagu fabrikas (Non-woven fabric factory).
With the shortage crippling production, the director has pioneered employing tailors from other countries, mostly from Ukraine and Moldova.
“All the paperwork that is needed to bring a worker from a non-EU country is headache-inducing, but we had no other choice,” he says.
A German-owned sewing enterprise in Visaginas, in the east, has literally gone a lot further – it brought a couple dozen workers to fill the void from as far-off as Sri Lanka.
The drastic strides reflect well the trends in the textile market: out of the total output of nearly 1,000 light industrial companies in Lithuania, only a mere 10 percent of the production remains in Lithuania, as the rest goes for export.
“Light industry has managed quite well with the 2008 crisis, and has been on steady growth ever since. Sure, most companies would rather rely on a local workforce, but locals shrug off the prospect of working for a low wage that most sewing enterprises can afford. In addition, the craft requires some serious training before doing the stitches. Most job seekers are reluctant to enroll in tailor apprenticeship courses, whose cost they usually have to cover themselves. All jobless people want an immediate job and a salary,” Martikaitiene said to The Baltic Times.
Excruciating work
In 2010, the Lithuanian Labor Exchange (LLE) registered nearly 4,300 available sewing jobs, but only 2,230 vacancies were filled. When the LLE cannot satisfy the employer’s demand for workers, the hirer is entitled to set off on worker-hunting trips to non-EU countries to patch up the workforce gap. Sewing specialists were among the most sought-after workers in 2010 and 2011.
Jolanta Miksionyte, deputy director of Siauliai Territorial Labor Exchange, says that the demand for sewers has been urgent for the last couple of years. “Roughly a dozen smaller or bigger sewing enterprises need sewers today,” she says. Upholstery enterprises also are in need for good upholstery sewers, but to no avail.
With sewing orders until recently flowing in rather spontaneously – a scarcity that left many ventures in “drought” for weeks until a hefty order would come in, requiring an immediate extra number of ready-to-stitch sewers – many textile enterprises could not retain the whole sewing staff, letting many women go, or putting them “on call.” The latter option, apparently, was not an option for many young sewers, who left for a better life to the West.
Miksionyte notes that there are a good deal of experienced women tailors out there, but many of them complain of vision impairments, a result of the long and tedious years at the sewing machine. “This has nothing to do with age discrimination, as all is about impeccable vision,” says the Labor Exchange deputy director.
However, even women with eagle vision and sewing qualifications often shake off the job proposals that require sticking to an extremely adverse work schedule, especially working night shifts.
Alvydas Labunskis, representative of Siauliai’s Vocational Training Center (SVTC), says the establishment sees fewer gals and lads willing to learn the craft. “The craft has never been so unpopular with youth as today,” says the SVTC administration staffer.
Last year, the SVTC graduated only 13 sewers for sewing enterprises specializing in serial production. And, meanwhile, only 8 pupils at the center were handed diplomas in apparel tailoring, construing and modeling.
“Such numbers cannot satisfy the growing demand for sewers,” says Martikaitiene.
She says that modern youth is deterred from the profession because of the extremely excruciating work conditions – long hours of meticulous and scrupulous work, night shifts, 8-hour-and-longer crippling stupor at the humming sewing machine and… little hope at the end of the day.
“Certainly, modern advancements have eased the life of many traditional workers, but the technologies have little alleviated the work of sewers, who most often have to take on custom-made sewing, which requires an extreme care for detail,” Martikaitiene says.
In folksy Lithuanian, especially before WWII, sewers would often be called “kriauciai.” Alongside goldsmiths, “kriauciai” were the most respected craftsmen in the Lithuanian Grand Dukedom. Already in its first Statute, a kind of those medieval times’ Constitution, punishment of 12 rubles for the murder of a tailor was set.
Few options to be considered
“The situation when thousands of people in the country are out of a job, while hundreds of enterprises in light industry are heavily understaffed, is rather paradoxical,” agrees Linas Lasauskas, director general of Lithuania’s Apparel and Textile Enterprise Association (LATEA).
He says the exuberant workforce-hungry Chinese economy has partially incited the imparities in the sewer labor market. “The rampant Chinese economy can hardly satisfy the increasing demand of its own customers enjoying the higher purchasing power in the country. Therefore, the Chinese take on fewer orders from the West, which turns back to the traditionally developed light industry countries like Lithuania, known for its high-skilled light industry workers,” Lasauskas said to The Baltic Times.
According to him, in tackling the sewer shortage, sector entrepreneurs scramble to weigh several options.
“Some of them have moved their concessions to close non-EU countries, or are intending to do so, while others mull over hopping onto Asia-bound planes in hopes of bringing qualified sewers from Asia. The latter, however, seems to many as a more drastic solution,” says the LATEA director. He adds: “Had the local entrepreneurs the possibility to hire local tailors, they would definitely do so.”
Light industry executives disagree with the hard-to-fight stereotype that workers in the industry earn the littlest. According to the Statistics Department, workers’ net wages averaged around 1,840 litas, and 1,339 litas for sewers. The numbers went slightly up last year.
“That is not the worst pay, if you were to look around,” the LATEA head says.
The industry is also marred with another popular myth – the supposed slavery-like work conditions.
“It is not true, especially in the sewing sector, as pay depends on the output they produce,” said another LATEA representative, who did not want to be named.
Increasingly larger participation of foreign capital in the sector is another attributive characteristic to Lithuanian light industry. Some 10 percent of all companies are managed by foreigners, with Swedes being on top, followed by Germans and French.
“As a rule, these kinds of concessions are being administered by Lithuanian management, and the foreigners take care of the sales abroad,” Lasauskas says. Investments into the sewing sector, he claims, have been the biggest among other light industry sectors.
Gold vein
Juozas Martikaitis, director general of Garlita, a venture based in Kaunas district, is swamped with orders coming from such picky mega clients as NATO. His Lithuanian hosiery company has no rivals, as Garlita goods, like nano-particle-rich pullovers repelling mosquitoes and protecting from ultra-violet rays, or impregnated with vitamin E, are eagerly sought by one of the most demanding clients in the world - NATO.
“We started off as a regular sewing enterprise. But with too many difficulties in the conventional sewing market, we were lucky to have found a very special niche – sewing military and specialized outfits demanding use of cutting-edge technologies,” the Garlita director said to The Baltic Times some time ago.
Production volume of the innovative pullovers, he claims, has been steadily rising. “We had a turnover of 100,000 litas (28,980 euros) three years ago, but it has surged to several million by now,” the company head says.
Garlita employs around 160 workers, and is working on its newest innovative product: infrared-reflecting pullovers, with Swiss researchers involved in the preparation of advanced chemical fibers. If all goes well, it will be intertwined with textile fabric in Garliava.
Even dames scrimp
Sewers at Roris, a fur and leather sewing enterprise, have nothing to do with the use of nano-particles in their business, and their “traditionalism,” works against them, as cash-strapped Lithuanians tend to put off buying such a luxury item as a fur-coat for a better time.
“And not only has this to be taken into account in explaining the hardships we are dealing with. The unusually warm winter has also been disastrous for us,” Romas Pivoras, head of Roris, admitted to IQ.
With the chill gripping the country at the end of January, fur-coat sales picked up, but they won’t be able to make up losses.
Violeta Jaugelaviciene, director of Daulora, another fur-coat sewing salon, in terms of sales, also calls the winter “very bad.”
“No one bought new fur-coats this winter, as most people would bring their fur-coats in for fixing. People are obviously tired and frightened of the high heating costs and are set into a savings mode. Even rich dames do not get shy from walking into a second hand fur-coat store and buying a coat. We have not sewn any luxury fur-coats from astrakhan or mink this season, only a few garments from mutton,” says Jaugelaviciene. Instead many savings-conscious customers buy less expensive items, like fur-gloves, fur-caps and scarves.
The tumble in sales has been mainly prompted by considerably higher fur prices. “Although we practically do not use Lithuanian furs, the raw material abroad has become much more expensive. The pricier the material is, the costlier the final product is. To cushion the final price, instead of hiking it, we slashed margins. However, we cannot forget that earnings from the winter have to last until next season,” Pivoras says.
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