Snaige's record high buoys light trading

  • 2002-09-12
  • Boris Epsteins
Blue chip stocks traded on the Baltic List continued moving downward last week pulling down the list's capitalization.

The Baltic Index was up for the second consecutive week, gaining 0.58 percent over the past week to 161.74 points thanks to significant gains by some less liquid Lithuanian stocks like the refrigerator maker Snaige, which hit a record high.

Estonia's Hansapank as well as Estonian and Lithuanian telecommunication companies remained on a downward course. Lietuvos Telekomas reached a new record low.

The Baltic List's capitalization last week dropped 0.7 percent to 2.71 billion euros. Of the list's 13 stocks, four were gainers, seven losers and three stood unchanged over the last week.

The list's turnover fell more than fivefold compared to the previous week amid a lack of large block deals. It closed the week at 3.7 million euros. Estonian stocks contributed 93.5 percent of total turnover, Lithuanian stocks 5 percent and Latvian shares just 1.5 percent.

Estonian blue chips were relatively feeble last week, while the construction company Merko continued to post gains.

The TALSE index finished the week 0.89 percent lower at 170.21 points on a turnover 56.8 million kroons (3.6 million euros) from 291 deals. Three-quarters of the turnover came from trade in Hansapank.

Baltic List stocks in Estonia contributed 53.6 million kroons, almost 95 percent of the total turnover. The price index of these stocks fell 0.58 percent to 151.5 points over the week.

Hansapank finished the week 1.56 percent lower at 197.93 kroons or 12.65 euros with a five-day turnover of 43.1 million kroons.

Eesti Telekom finished the week down 0.69 percent at 69.47 kroons or 4.44 euros on 2.99 million kroons in turnover.

Inactive trade pushed Latvian stocks down last week. Second-tier listings were hardest hit.

Stock turnover on the Latvian exchange last week was just 44,022 lats (73,615 euros). About 32,000 lats or 73 percent were contributed by Baltic List issues.

The RICI price index fell 3.5 percent over the week to 203.74 points. Although the index overall has increased by 40 percent compared with last September, it has still not yet pulled out of a summer slump that has seen it fall six consecutive weeks.

The pharmaceutical producer Olainfarm proved to be the biggest drag on the price index this week, posting a 16.7 percent fall to 0.1 lats per share. Grindex, another pharmaceutical company, also fell, ending the week 3.4 percent lower at 0.57 lats.

The share price drop at both companies was attributed to an expected tightening of regulations on imported drugs in Russia, one of Latvia's key export partners in the sector.

The Dow Jones Riga Stock Exchange capitalization index gained 0.7 percent over the week to 167.14 points. The Latvian index of Baltic List stocks, calculated in euros, picked up 0.16 percent to close the week at 183.54 points.

The gas supplier Latvijas Gaze finished 1.56 percent higher over the week and closed at 5.20 lats on a light turnover of 18,574 lats.

Investors should watch the share more closely this week as Latvian regulators rejected the company's proposal to raise residential and commercial tariffs.

Trading was relatively brisk on the Lithuanian stock exchange last week, with investors showing lively interest in the electronics company Vilniaus Vingis and refrigerator maker Snaige.

Market heavyweight Lietuvos Telekomas, however, dropped to a record low.

The bourse's benchmark price index Litin-10 rose 1.21 percent to 1273.66 points. The blue chip index Litin fell 0.90 percent to 295.82 points, while the broad index Litin-G fell 1.36 percent to 938.89 points.

The price index of the six Lithuanian Baltic List shares, gained 1.51 percent to 159.37 points, a record high.

Total equity turnover reached 4.8 million litas (1.4 million euros) last week. Baltic List securities generated 608,107 litas, just 13 percent of the total.

Vilniaus Vingis closed 1.64 percent higher at 6.20 litas on a turnover of 772,300 litas.

The electronics company generated the bulk of its weekly trading volume (730,000 litas) on September 4.

Refrigerator maker Snaige climbed 5.34 percent to 73.75 litas, a record close. The number of Snaige shares in free float had been falling, therefore the stock's weekly trading volumes reached as little as 234,600 litas.

Lietuvos Telekomas fell 1.94 percent to 1.01 litas, with 293,900 litas' worth of shares traded.