GDP rising at steady clip

  • 2003-07-03
  • Baltic News Service

Estonia's gross domestic product grew 5.2 percent in the first quarter of this year, according to preliminary data released by the National Statistical Office.
GDP in current prices was 26.4 billion kroons (1.7 billion euros) and in constant prices of 2000, 23.6 billion kroons, the statistical office reports.
By spheres of activity, financial intermediation increased the most in constant prices – by 16.5 percent.
Manufacturing, transport, storage and communications, and electricity, water and gas supply contributed the most to the GDP increase, statisticians said.
Commenting the announcement, Hansabank Markets analyst Maris Lauri said that the general amount of economic growth was in line with forecasts, but separate branches posted results different from expectations.
"Modest developments in private consumption could have been expected. Growth in trade, for example, was much smaller than predicted, and consumption was more channeled into services and also real estate, for example," she said.