NIB could finance future defense investments - Lithuanian finmin

  • 2025-03-15
  • BNS/TBT Staff

VILNIUS - The Nordic Investment Bank could also finance investments in Lithuania's defense in the future, Finance Minister Rimantas Sadzius says after his meting with the NIB president in Helsinki.

In the current geopolitical situation, it is necessary to review all options for financing defense investments, he said.

"Therefore, financial diplomacy with the leaders of neighboring countries, European and Nordic financial institutions is one of the priorities in order to implement Lithuanian defense investment projects. The NIB is a very important financial partner in our region, capable of contributing to defense investments in the long term," Sadzius said.

On Friday, the finance minister and NIB President Andre Kuusvek discussed the possibility of NIB contributing to the financing of defense-related investments in Lithuania.

According to Sadzius, the key projects right now are hosting the planned German brigade, the establishment of a national division within Lithuania's army and further development of the country's defense industry.