Riga seeing decline in number of homeless

  • 2024-10-11
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - In the last three years the number of homeless people in Riga has decreased by 18 percent, LETA was informed by the Riga City Council.

Currently, there are no indications that the number of homeless people living in the municipality could increase.

The mobile brigade of the Riga Homeless Shelter has identified about 80 people living in unsuitable conditions - on the street, under overpasses, in garden houses, sheds and abandoned buildings.

The number of homeless people who have difficulties moving around due to health problems is increasing.

The mobile team tries to work with each homeless person - to find out about their situation, needs and problems, to inform them about possible assistance and how to get it, to motivate them to solve their social problems and to provide adequate support, the municipality says.

Currently, the Welfare Department of Riga City Council is preparing information materials on the possibilities of receiving social assistance. The mobile brigade will distribute leaflets to people without a fixed place of residence. They will also be available in soup kitchens.

The mobile team will also go out when information is received about a specific homeless person and his/her location.

The municipality emphasizes that this year, the Housing First project continued in the Latvian capital, which it believes is an effective approach to tackling homelessness. Some of the people involved in the project have started to return to public life, some of them are working and receiving individual assistance in solving various issues. Some of the homeless people have a desire to return to normal life and therefore have a mentor who both represents their interests and helps them to learn social skills.