

Estonia supports UN General Assembly resolution on ending Israel’s occupation

TALLINN - At a vote held on Sept. 18 in New York, Estonia supported the UN General Assembly resolution that expresses support for the Internatio...

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Navalny team's allegations 'serious', investigation underway – Lithuanian formin

VILNIUS – Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis on Thursday described as "serious" the allegations made by the team...

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EU border states discuss implementation, future development of EU sanctions

TALLINN – On Tuesday, the European Union countries sharing a border with Russia -- Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland -- had t...

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Possible blocking of TikTok and Telegram should be decided politically, at least at the level of the Baltic States - State Security Service

RIGA - The decision on the possible blocking of the social networks TikTok and Telegram should be political, and for such a solution to be effec...

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Agriculture Ministry has squandered EUR 3.1 million, setting up network of electric car charging stations - State Audit Office

RIGA - The Agriculture Ministry has failed to act meaningfully and in accordance with its development plans by investing EUR 3.1 million in the ...

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Four young people die in automobile accident in Gulbene Region

RIGA - Four young people died in an accident last night in Gulbene Region, LETA was informed at the Vidzeme Regional Department of the State Pol...

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Latvian Ambassador thanks Biden for international leadership of US in countering Russia in war against Ukraine

RIGA - On September 18, the Ambassador of Latvia Elita Kuzma submitted her letter of credence to the President of the United States of America, ...

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It no longer will be permitted to make unreasonable demands regarding Russian language skills for employees

RIGA - The Saeima on Thursday approved amendments to the Labor Law in the final reading, stipulating that employees should not be required to kn...

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Government supports changes to labor taxes

RIGA - The government today supported amendments to labor taxes, which stipulate higher personal income tax rate, minimum wage and non-taxable m...

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Finland banning casino bonuses could create more movement toward other Baltic casinos

Finland has a bustling gambling scene. In fact, Finns are the most active gamblers in the world, right after the Australians and the Japanese. E...

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