Tallinn seeks solutions for Lasnamäe Olympic-sized swimming pool development

  • 2024-10-02
  • BNS/TBT Staff

TALLINN – The city of Tallinn has begun an analysis to reassess the possibilities for developing an Olympic-sized swimming pool and sports complex in the Tondiraba area of Lasnamäe.

Previous attempts to establish such a facility in collaboration with a private partner and the government have so far been unsuccessful, the city government said on Wednesday.

Deputy Mayor Viljar Jaamu said the city will now initiate spatial and functional planning in the Varraku quarter and negotiate with potential partners.

"To move forward with the swimming pool project, a new approach is necessary. According to the terms of reference, the development will be divided into several parts. The city could take on the construction of the swimming pool, while the private sector would develop the spa, accommodation facilities, parking area, and the rest of the sports complex. It is clear that there is a need for an Olympic-sized swimming pool in northern Estonia," Jaamu added.

The deputy mayor explained that since the project is starting from scratch, there is an opportunity to consider integrating the Tondiraba Ice Hall and the future swimming pool into a unified energy system, which could not be implemented under the previous funding model.

"The waste heat generated by the cooling of the ice hall can be directed to heat the swimming pool. Additionally, parking issues need to be addressed, and logistical operations of the complex must be ensured, for which the city departments -- property, transport, and urban planning -- will collaborate to conduct a mobility analysis and create optimal urban spatial solutions," he said.

Tallinn has been planning a 50-meter Olympic-sized swimming pool in Lasnamäe for several years. Initially, there was a desire to find a partner to build the sports complex under a concession agreement based on a land lease. However, the procedure for concluding the concession agreement announced at the beginning of 2024 was declared invalid in June, as the conditions and economic context underlying the tender had changed.

Solutions based on the analysis will be presented to the city government, which will decide on the next steps.