We must constantly and persistently repeat that Crimea is Ukraine - Saeima speaker

  • 2024-10-14
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - Just as persistently as the non-recognition of the occupation of the Baltic States was pursued for decades, today we must constantly and persistently repeat that Crimea is Ukraine and that Russia's attempts to change the borders by military force are illegal, Saeima Speaker Daiga Mierina (Greens/Farmers) said ahead of the Third Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform in Riga on Monday, LETA was told at the Saeima press office.

According to Mierina, by hosting the Third Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform, Latvia is taking the lead in increasing international support for Ukraine.

"At the parliamentary and national level, we confirm Latvia's comprehensive and unwavering support for the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity and, at the same time, pursue an active and responsible foreign policy, highlighting Latvia's vision on a security issue that concerns the entire global community," the speaker said.

Mierina underlined that the crimes committed by Russia will not be swept under the carpet, but will be prosecuted and accountability will be ensured.

By hosting the summit, Latvia expresses its unwavering support for Ukraine and the legitimacy of its self-defense, continues to consistently highlight Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine internationally, sheds light on the crimes committed against Ukraine's people and the need to hold Russia accountable, thus strengthening the the rules-based international order, Mierina believes.

Ruslan Stefanchuk, Speaker of the Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada, who invited Latvia to co-host the Summit when a Saeima delegation visited Kyiv in January this year, said that this war was started by Russia in 2014. "Unfortunately, Russia's bloodlust has only grown over the past decade. Impunity for crimes committed on Ukrainian soil has contributed to this. This impunity continues to fuel aggression and the terrible war continues to spread," said Stefanchuk, voicing confidence that together solutions will be found that will help restore a just peace and bring to justice those who have flagrantly violated the peace.

Parliamentary delegations from Albania, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Ghana, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Estonia, Iceland, Ireland, Canada, Cyprus, New Zealand, Malta, Montenegro, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Germany, North Macedonia and Sweden have confirmed their participation in the upcoming Summit. Most of the parliaments will be represented at the speaker level.

The Summit will also be attended by representatives from parliamentary assemblies of international organisations, such as the European Parliament, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Council of Europe, and NATO.

The International Crimea Platform was established in 2021 as a format for coordination and consultation at the level of states and governments, parliaments, foreign ministers, and experts. It was established to raise awareness among world leaders and the wider public of the temporary occupation and annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, its negative impact on the human rights of local populations, security in the Black Sea region, global food security, and the rules-based global order.

Previously, parliamentary summits of the Crimea Platform have taken place in Zagreb and Prague, bringing together parliamentarians from various countries and international parliamentary organizations.